Thursday, October 1, 2015

Thursday Challenge—"night"

Something new(ish) on the New York skyline: the tall,
skinny condo in the middle (which is now
pretty much completed) is 432 Park Ave., the 3rd-tallest
in NYC at 1,396 ft. (425.5 m) and the tallest
residential building in the Western Hemisphere.
It mostly comprises what they call "ghost apartments,"
occupied for only a few weeks a year by über-millionaires
—I hear that the penthouse has already sold for $95 million. 
(P.S. — you couldn't pay me to live up there.)

[To see more of the Thursday Photo Challenge, go here.]


  1. Nice post of the city of the big Apple.

  2. 5 flights up is enough for me, with no elevator, but I sure would like to see the view from up there. Beautiful photo.

  3. 5 flights up is enough for me, with no elevator, but I sure would like to see the view from up there. Beautiful photo.

  4. Never been but it looks so inviting! Wonderful shot.

  5. Guess it takes all kinds..... Beautiful photo for the theme.


Thanks, merci, grazie, danke, hvala, gracias, spasibo, shukran, dhanyavaad, salamat, arigato, and muito obrigado for your much-appreciated comments.