Wednesday, August 19, 2015

ABC Wednesday—F is for "fedoras"

Maybe it was the Mad Men influence, but I see more guys 

in hats these days.  Haven't seen a woman wearing 
white gloves in about 50 years though. Remember them? 
I still have a pair of white kid gloves that I wore 
when I was a (very proper, apparently) little girl. 

[To see more ABC posts, go here.]


  1. Oh, those white gloves. I would always see them on Sundays on the neighbors on the way to church.

    And those fedoras. Just look at Frank without and with.

    These days, that is when businessmen remember to wear them, fedoras like that can be real handy to prevent desk workers from getting sunstroke.

    Not too sure about the colored fedoras. Might need a few more accessories.

  2. I love wearing a fedora, they are coming back slowly for us to wear.

  3. Oh, yes, I remember the gloves, too. A group of which I was a member hosted a fashion show of sorts of dresses through the ages. We had displays of clothing members shared. And some of us did show up in gloves we had stashed.

  4. I loved the fashions of the sixties! I would recognize them if they came back in and have noticed the colours the last few years...neon green and other brights! Love the fedoras!

    abcw team

  5. My DAUGHTER has a hat like these!

  6. I remember a pair of white gloves from when I was a little girl too. Now, however - among my summer hats I have a white one looking very much like those in your photo...

  7. Firstly my apologies for a late comment, i have been far to busy repairing my blog after a moval from one host to another... and taking care of other things that needed to be taken care of since my husband and i have health issues at the same time.

    I never wear anuthing on my head but i know there are people who need something like what your showing here to protect them from to hot sun

    have a nice weekend

    Melody (abc-w-team)


Thanks, merci, grazie, danke, hvala, gracias, spasibo, shukran, dhanyavaad, salamat, arigato, and muito obrigado for your much-appreciated comments.