Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Our World Tuesday

You'll find lots of wonderful art at the
Brooklyn Museum—even in the parking lot.

[To see more from around the world, go here.]


  1. I love coming across public artwork like this (or this).

    I better click out now. Those sculptures center left are so hard to make out I’m getting a nagging headache. Or is that an earache or two?

  2. Looks like Lady Liberty has turned her back on the Indian rider. The Indian sculpture is similar, but quite different from James Fraser's End of the Trail. Interesting and accurate juxtaposition.

    1. James Earle Fraser’s End of the Trail makes me think of the image of Picasso’s Don Quixote as if Fraser’s End of the Trail were the Don after getting his butt whupped by a windmill.

      I read a book about tracking animals. The tracker wrote that: if you track any animal (including a species close to us, as illustrated at the link) long enough you always, inevitably, come across a scene akin to this.

  3. Good one, and my eyes are still trying to figure out how large the rider an horse are. A trick of perspective makes me think it's tiny, but maybe I need better glasses!

  4. Good one, and my eyes are still trying to figure out how large the rider an horse are. A trick of perspective makes me think it's tiny, but maybe I need better glasses!

  5. Nice shot - hope you'll come link up at http://image-in-ing.blogspot.com/2015/04/at-keyboard.html

  6. Your posts make me want to visit Brooklyn!


Thanks, merci, grazie, danke, hvala, gracias, spasibo, shukran, dhanyavaad, salamat, arigato, and muito obrigado for your much-appreciated comments.