Friday, April 27, 2012

Skywatch Friday

Took this near my building in Brooklyn.
Very near, fortunately—I did manage (just)
to make it home before the rain began.
I have to love a dramatic stormy sky like
this one, though—how about you?

[To see more Skywatch Friday, go here.]


  1. I like dramatic storm clouds, too. We've had quite a few here, lately, too. Good photo!

  2. Wonderfully dramatic sky!

  3. (Love your new banner.) We had a major, bang-bang storm the other day. I was indoors, fortunately. Those storms always provide such good light.

  4. Great composition!

  5. Looks like it's going to pour anytime soon!

    Love the look of those stormy clouds in the photo though! :D

  6. Oh, I do like these apparently simple crossroads. Like you can make a decision to cross or not to cross, like if your life were your own.
    You see, an apparently simple picture that turns me philosophical, sort of :-)

  7. Pet -- my decision was to stop in the middle of the road or wait until I was almost across (to center the traffic light)—also whether to "remove" the pile of garbage or keep it. :~}


Thanks, merci, grazie, danke, hvala, gracias, spasibo, shukran, dhanyavaad, salamat, arigato, and muito obrigado for your much-appreciated comments.