Wednesday, August 13, 2014

ABC Wednesday—E is for "early"

And also for "empty":
Parisians seem to sleep in a bit on Saturday
morning, so when I'm there I like to get up early
and wander the unpopulated streets.  I do see
 someone sitting on the terrace of that little corner

 café—probably another "visitor" like me.

[To see more ABC posts, go here.]


  1. Early is a good time to visit most cities before the crowds fill the streets. One of my favorite early mornings was in Venice watching the city wake up. This stroll through Paris looks like the same kind of experience.

    1. Venice is even more magical at dawn (and late at night), isn't it? I love to be in Piazza San Marco when it's just me and the street cleaners.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. It looks like you and the Google Maps truck keep similar hours, even if different seasons. Of course your view is incomparably superior. Since that is a hotel restaurant (connected to Hôtel les Degrés de Notre Dame) your lone figure sitting at the café most likely is a visitor, as you conjectured.

    I thought that the trees to the left of that gorgeous arched wooden doorway might be along the Seine and was pleasantly surprised to see the street open out to bouquinistes. Of course it would. I guess I don’t really know the Latin Quarter properly.

  4. Excellent! and I can almost smell the café au lait

    E is for...

  5. Lovely views and I agree about being up before the crowds. Looks a little wintry?

  6. Hey, I know that street well. Oh, such delight it is to explore any city in the wee morning hours. For sure you know this song.

  7. Early is excellent for exploration.

  8. I like it when a place is still quiet!

  9. Love the street scene. It is worth getting up early in the morning for this photo.

  10. must be nice to be able to wander empty streets. Early morning coffee in Paris sounds scrumptious!

    abcw team

  11. Lovely shot of the early morning city. Carver, ABCW-Team


Thanks, merci, grazie, danke, hvala, gracias, spasibo, shukran, dhanyavaad, salamat, arigato, and muito obrigado for your much-appreciated comments.