Saturday, February 8, 2014

The Weekend in Black and White

You can have Piazza San Marco (almost) to
yourself—if you're willing to stay up late or get
up early.  When I came out from under the Napoleonic
wing on this morning, the only other people in the
piazza were the men of the city cleaning crew.

[To see more monochromes, visit Dragonstar's meme.]


  1. A sense of fascinating mystery in this narrow walkway.

  2. From darkness into light. I love the paving stones, and those columns.

  3. I'm always amazed at 'crowded' places where there is not a soul at odd hours. Love that. I agree with what Dragonstar said.

  4. Love the light reflected on the paving stones and columns. Great photo.


Thanks, merci, grazie, danke, hvala, gracias, spasibo, shukran, dhanyavaad, salamat, arigato, and muito obrigado for your much-appreciated comments.