Sunday, September 22, 2013

They Do

I was walking in Brooklyn Bridge Park last weekend 
and came upon the very public wedding of 
Sarah and Paul.  It was a lovely ceremony and even 
though they're complete strangers, I must admit I 
did get a little bit verklempt when they said their "I dos."

[To see more Monday Mellow Yellows, go here.]


  1. People do like say "I do" outside - nothing prettier than an outdoor wedding but sometimes the weather does not cooperate. The day my daughter married, a gigantic wind storm blew in blowing so much dust over the road that people could not see to drive the freeway.

  2. My daughter got married 24 years ago. It rainned buckets.

    So my darling hubby went all over looking for a white pretty umberella to make her feel complete and not carrying a every day one.

    So brides are wonderful. They should be treated with love for sure.

    I took my first stranger bride ten steps from the library. She was being held up by all the grooms buddies. I clicked away . I felt I was part of the wedding.

    She was laughing and so was I.

    So good for you for the take.


Thanks, merci, grazie, danke, hvala, gracias, spasibo, shukran, dhanyavaad, salamat, arigato, and muito obrigado for your much-appreciated comments.