Thursday, February 7, 2013

Storm clouds in BA

Sometimes I just love what a cell-phone camera can capture
(as in this retro-looking pic by my daughter Lila).
This beautiful 1917 Art Nouveau building in Buenos Aires,
right across the street from the Argentine National Congress,
housed a famous coffeehouse, the Confiteria del Molino.
The whole place is badly in need of restoration—and lots of
people have lobbied to bring this National Historic Monument
back before it falls into a permanent state of disrepair.

[To see more Skywatch pics, go here.]  


  1. Gorgeous. I thought at first it was some building from 'over here'.

  2. Lovely click!

  3. I LOVE old architecture, this is a beauty! Visiting from Skywatch!

  4. What wonderful character in this gorgeous old building! And the sky patterns add drama to this delightful scene!

  5. The renaissance oil-painting lighting adds much.

    It is fascinating to see the architectural evolution that has occurred from this. As a defense against quixotic attacks?


Thanks, merci, grazie, danke, hvala, gracias, spasibo, shukran, dhanyavaad, salamat, arigato, and muito obrigado for your much-appreciated comments.