Friday, November 25, 2011

Skywatch Friday

My usual fave spot for catching Skywatch
shots is up there on the bridge.  But when
I was down below in Brooklyn Bridge Park
recently, I saw this pretty pink-and-blue sky.

[To see more Skywatch, go here.
And to see more Sunday Bridges, visit Louis la Vache.}


  1. How beautiful! I really love this DUMBO place. Thanks for this pic which, as you say in english, "will make my day"!

  2. Awesome shot, Alexa.

    My husband is an iron worker, so I must show this to him (after he wakes up!)


  3. Good one, Alexa!
    Let's be sure to link this to Sunday Bridges, too, when it posts this weekend!

    «Louis» hopes you had a splendid Thanksgiving.

  4. What a beautiful sky behind the buildings of mankind~

  5. Wow, this is nice. Great mix of natural and man-made lights!

  6. Gorgeous!

    Visiting late from Skywatch, hope you can take a peek at my skywatch entry also. Thanks. Have a great weekend.

  7. Gorgeous!

    Visiting late from Skywatch, hope you can take a peek at my skywatch entry also. Thanks. Have a great weekend.

  8. It's a great bridge, and lovely photo!

  9. What a great shot! Looks like a b/w photo with that beautiful colorful sky added in!

  10. Oh, boy, that's just gorgeous....

  11. I would think being up on top versus shooting from down under would give you a totally different perspective of the bridge and the sky. This is a super shot. Love all the light and the beautiful sky. The skyline add a lot to the overall image, too. genie

  12. «Louis» really likes this image, Alexa and belatedly, thanks you for your linking it to Sunday Bridges.


Thanks, merci, grazie, danke, hvala, gracias, spasibo, shukran, dhanyavaad, salamat, arigato, and muito obrigado for your much-appreciated comments.