Monday, November 28, 2011

New York at Night (14)

I'm sure the trees that are looking so festive now remain
wrapped in lights all year (I wouldn't want to do this
more than once, would you?).  I saw this pretty blue
display in the East Village on the night before Thanksgiving

(and the one in the banner shot across the street from my new office).

[Today is Blue Monday. To see more, go here to Sally's meme.]


  1. Thanks for sharing this beautiful blue tree. It must have taken someone hours to do!

    Happy 1st Blue Monday, Alexa.

  2. And nice corner too. I wouldn't mind an ale myself :-)

  3. I love fairy lights in trees, any time of year! I hope these ones do stay in place. Very pretty, Alexa.

  4. Every year I say I will string small white lights along my headboard...they look so pretty...even if it's just me who sees them. But I'd turn them off before I go to sleep.

  5. I like lights in trees, too. Lovely and festive!

  6. How beautiful! Visiting from Blue Monday.

    Thanksgiving Blues, have a great week.

  7. pretty blue lights..

    Visiting for BM! Hope you can visit me too:)


Thanks, merci, grazie, danke, hvala, gracias, spasibo, shukran, dhanyavaad, salamat, arigato, and muito obrigado for your much-appreciated comments.