Monday, November 24, 2008

apple pie for Thanksgiving

We all braved the bitter cold to get to the
greenmarket yesterday. Looks like there'll
be lots of apple pies on Thursday. I like
mine a la mode (but prefer pumpkin).
How about you?


  1. What is "à la mode" apple pie ?
    Of course, my favorite is Tarte Tatin, upside down tart.
    Sooo good but alos sooo much butter and sugar !!!!!

  2. Marylene -- pie "a la mode" to us means with ice cream (usually vanilla) on top. It's especially good when the pie is warm. Yum!

  3. I really like this photo. there is so much to look at.
    I think I like pumpkin best & I am the same with apple. I like it with ice cream but the pie has to be hot.

  4. I've been so absent; am sorry, but work and additional writing assignment kept me too busy to check many blogs regularly. I love your posts--today's, the techno Christmas one, the Katmandu exhibit one--would have liked to have gone. I'll try to be now a more frequent visitor.

  5. I absolutely love this photo!!

    The apples seem larger than life. :-)

  6. My #1 favorite is pumpkin, then pecan, then apple, a la mode.

  7. Looks like we are all visiting the same places!
    I think Ming is getting a pre-Christmas get together for us!

  8. Thanks, all -- and let's hear it for pie—which is, by the way, what I would name a dog if I ever had one.


Thanks, merci, grazie, danke, hvala, gracias, spasibo, shukran, dhanyavaad, salamat, arigato, and muito obrigado for your much-appreciated comments.