Tuesday, June 17, 2008

I hate Times Square

But I love the Naked Cowboy, aka John Robert Burke,
originally from Cincinnati. He's out there literally
year-round in his whitie-tighties and not much else
-- strumming his guitar and singing (and posing for
photos with the tourists, of course). He once told one of my 
daughters that for some reason he just doesn't get cold.


  1. That's what I've thought all along...Coney Island is not the only place to get a hot dog! New York is such a visual buff-et; your camera will need to go on a diet soon. Cowboys in New York just don't cut it...of course, neither do they in the White House either. Erphh!

  2. If he ever gets together with her do you think they will produce a lot of these?

  3. You guys are a hoot.

    coltrane -- think we may be stuck with the cowboy in NYC; the other one, Dieu merci, will soon be back home on the range.

    tall gary -- be nice. Naked is an okay guy, although perhaps just a bit full of himself (or at least his Hanes are, sort of).

  4. Is this how he earns a living?

    And Amen to your last line Coltrane!

  5. from cali -- apparently, yes. He's had a cameo in some movies, and also been on TV shows and commercials. This is his main gig, though. Tough job, but I suppose someone had to do it, eh?

  6. hey nice shot alexa!!:)
    tell me more about this...


Thanks, merci, grazie, danke, hvala, gracias, spasibo, shukran, dhanyavaad, salamat, arigato, and muito obrigado for your much-appreciated comments.