Thursday, June 19, 2008


The opinions of the fish are not necessarily those of the blogger.
Hey, maybe he thought I was going to buy him and
eat him, as he was in a big tank with lots of his friends,
for that express purpose. But I've never had a fish stick
its tongue out at me before, and I really liked this one's chutzpah.


  1. One fish, two fish, red-fish- sticking-tongue-out, blue fish. I promised no Nemo or sushi jokes and I'm sticking to it. For afterall, a promise is a promise no matter how big or small.

  2. Thank you, coltrane. Never considered sushi, but it took all the discipline I could muster to avoid a Nemo reference here!

  3. I'm thinking that you looked (as always) rather delish to the fish.

  4. Nemo was a clown fish. He would have had an excuse.

    Hey, you guys opened that door! You said the "N" word!

    Completely different thought: I saw a video on bOINGbOING showing an old iron building down in the Battery somewhere that's been rigged up to be a musical instrument by David Byrne, and admission to go in and play it is free! I need to make such things happen in Willits...

  5. TG -- awww! (if only)

    uselaine -- haven't yet found your reference on bOingbOING, but am definitely curious so am still searching. I'm also still romanticizing about women riding their horses around your town (my prepubescent dream).

  6. You can play your building all you want David Byrne but I saw that abattoir so keep outta my aquarium.

  7. thanks for the link, tg. Fascinating, actually. Think I know exactly where that bldg. is -- I've been admiring it from the outside.

  8. Nice pic, Alexa!!:) Loved the colors!:) I can totally understand what you felt!:)
    I'm loving NY all the more!!:)

  9. I think he is flirting with you. Did you stick your tongue out back at him?


Thanks, merci, grazie, danke, hvala, gracias, spasibo, shukran, dhanyavaad, salamat, arigato, and muito obrigado for your much-appreciated comments.