Sunday, October 29, 2017

See you in November

I've borrowed this photo of Recoleta Cemetery
from my daughter Lila.  She took it
a few years ago when she was in Buenos Aires,
where I've been this past week.
Now I'm in Montevideo, and tonight I'm going
to board a ship and head south, where
there will be only the sketchiest Internet connection—
or, more likely, none whatsoever.
I'll be home and blogging again on Nov. 28.  
Please come back then; I'm hoping to
have a whole lot of pictures to share with you. 

[Linking back to Shadow Shot Sunday.]

Saturday, October 28, 2017

The Weekend in Black and White

At my favorite Paris restaurant: Circonstances.
We were saying goodnight to Franck and Karin, the
very talented owners of this place—and I
noticed that they were ready to pour the wine
for the next day's lucky customers.

[To see more b/w images, visit
Dragonstar's meme.]

Friday, October 27, 2017

Weekend Reflections

This is the Pavillon du Lac, in the Parc de Bercy,
which I visited for the first time on my
recent visit to Paris.  It's worth traveling to
the outer arrondissements—where I never went
 I lived there long ago, because it
 considered too dangerous.  A whole lot
has changed
 in a half century (!).

[To see more Weekend Reflections, visit James's meme.]

Thursday, October 26, 2017

signs, signs

This sign is across the street from the 
Eddy Varekamp Gallery.  You can find reasonably
priced linocut and stencil prints at this
Amsterdam shop—a great gift or souvenir.

[To see more signs, go here.]

Wednesday, October 25, 2017

ABC Wednesday—P is for "pretty pink pigeon perch"

. . . in the piazza.  I think Venice has some
 of the most beautiful street lamps
in the world.

[To see more abc posts, go here.]

Tuesday, October 24, 2017

lady in red

I always try to visit the Louvre pyramids
at night when I'm in Paris.
Last time, I saw four or five Asian couples
posing there.  It was Paris Fashion Week—but
I think all of them were there strictly
for themselves.  Brides and grooms, probably.
At any rate, they all looked beautiful.

[Linking back to Ruby Tuesday
and Our World Tuesday.]

Monday, October 23, 2017

pin one on

Not sure what you need to accomplish to earn one
of these, or whether you can actually just
buy one (seems wrong if you can).  They're on display 

at Bacqueville, one of my all-time fave shops 
in the arcade of the Palais Royal, in Paris.

[Linking back to 
Macro Monday and 
Blue Monday at Magical Mystery Teacher.]

Sunday, October 22, 2017

the chapel

Late-afternoon shadows fall across the
Agnietenkapel, at the University
of Amsterdam.  We came back to this
neighborhood after dark, to check
out the famous red light district, right
around the corner: an extreme example of the
difference between night and day!

[Linking back to Sunday Shadows
and inSPIREd Sunday.]

Saturday, October 21, 2017


I showed you a detail of this church
last Sunday, but there's something to see
everywhere you look, inside and out.

[To see more b/w images, visit
Dragonstar's meme.]

Friday, October 20, 2017

Weekend Reflections

Reflected in a window along the
Egelantiers Canal, in Amsterdam, the
steeple of the Westerkirk.  I can't
swear that the bells ring every 15 minutes
24/7, but I'm pretty sure that's
what woke me up at 3 AM.  Didn't really
mind; I love the church bells.

[To see more Weekend Reflections,
visit James's meme.]

Thursday, October 19, 2017

keep it clean

I posted an image of a shop window the other day
and if you had to guess where it was, your 

first guess probably wouldn't be "the Netherlands."
This Amsterdam sign is for 
local dog walkers,
however.  Pretty easy to tell what it says, even if
you don't speak a word of Dutch.

[Linking back to signs, signs.]

Wednesday, October 18, 2017

ABC Wednesday—O is for "opera house"

This is still one of the most beautiful buildings
in Paris, especially when it's all lit up
at night.  Since the (not at all attractive, imho)
Opéra Bastille was opened in 1989, the
19th-century Palais Garnier
 now hosts mostly
ballet performances

[To see more ABC posts, go here.]

Tuesday, October 17, 2017

beep beep

Parking is an issue in the Jordaan neighborhood,
in Amsterdam—unless, of course, 
you happen to be driving one of these cute
cars, which fits on the sidewalk and
is barely bigger than a bike.

[Linking back to Ruby Tuesday
and Our World Tuesday.]

Monday, October 16, 2017

Monday mural

I love this large mural, which I found in Paris—
don't remember exactly where it is,
but somewhere in the 3rd Arrondissement.
Also don't know what it means, but
I could come up with a couple of scenarios.
What do you think?

[Linking back to Monday Mural
at Oakland Daily Photo.]

Sunday, October 15, 2017

inSPIREd Sunday

A detail in Saint-Sulpice, a 17th-century
church in Paris—and the city's second-largest,
only slightly smaller than Notre Dame.

[To see more churches from
around the world, go here.]

Saturday, October 14, 2017

The Weekend in Black and White

This tattoo parlor is in Amsterdam.  So,
knowing that, is there anything
about it that strikes you as unusual?

[To see more b/w images, visit
Dragonstar's meme.]

Friday, October 13, 2017

Weekend Reflections

You'll notice that these card players are in
a coffee shop but are not drinking 
coffee.  That's because it's one of those
Amsterdam "coffee shops" where
you go to smoke hashish.  No, I didn't, but
I did get a little contact high walking
past and that was more than enough for me.

[To see more Weekend Reflections,
visit James's meme.]

Thursday, October 12, 2017


There are signs like this on many of the
buildings in Amsterdam (often with
 words and probably dating
back to a time when many people
couldn't read or write).
I'm having a hard time translating this,
and finally decided it could be the
name of the proprietors, who specialized
in . . . laundry?

[Linking back to signs, signs.]

Wednesday, October 11, 2017

ABC Wednesday—N is for "Netherlands"

And a pretty canal in the just-
quiet-enough district
of Jordaan, in Amsterdam.

[To see more ABC posts, go here.]

Tuesday, October 10, 2017

somewhere in Paris

This almost never happens: to spot a
beautiful, colorful, photogenic
door—without a car parked right in
front of it.

[Linking back to Ruby Tuesday
and Our World Tuesday.] 

Monday, October 9, 2017

blue lantern

I was very struck by how clean Amsterdam
is and by how little graffiti there is.
The stoops are lined with flowering plants
 and there are lots of pretty decorative
elements—such as this blue lantern—everywhere.

[Linking back to Blue Monday at
Magical Mystery Teacher.]

Sunday, October 8, 2017

inSPIREd Sunday

This is a small part of the Catholic church
of Franciscus Xaverius, in Amsterdam.
It was filled with people when
I just happened to step in at 5 on a Saturday.
Now I know they have a high mass,
sung in English, on Saturdays at 5:15—in case.

[To see more churches from
around the world, go here.]

Saturday, October 7, 2017

les roses roses

Masses of pretty pink roses, for sale at
the Marché d'Aligre, in Paris.
They also had yummy figs (we got 1/2 kilo
for 3 euros) and avocados were six
for 2 euros! I just paid $3
for one avocado here in Brooklyn.

[Linking back to Pink Saturday
at How Sweet the Sound.]

Friday, October 6, 2017

Foucault's Pendulum

(if you needed it) that the earth rotates 
can be found right here in the Musée
des Arts et Métiers, in Paris.  (I was taking it
on faith because the explanation is a
bit over my head.  So I'm glad I saw Foucault's
in action.)

[To see more Weekend Reflections,
visit James's meme.]

Thursday, October 5, 2017

what's for dinner?

Another image (like Tuesday's) from rue Paul Bert,
in Paris. No thanks to the veal kidneys but
a big yes please to the roasted figs.
Maybe I'll just have dessert for dinner.

[Linking back to signs, signs.]

Wednesday, October 4, 2017

ABC Wednesday—M is for "Monteverdi"

Claudio Monteverdi, Italian composer, string player,
and choirmaster, died in 1643, and is buried
here in the church of the Frari, in Venice.  Even now,
almost four centuries later, I've never seen his
gravesite without flowers left by a fan.

[To see more ABC photos, go here.]

Tuesday, October 3, 2017

foodie street

This is rue Paul Bert, where you find the
famous bistrot.  I've never been there,
but I was passing by here on my way to one
of my fave Paris restaurants, where I'm
always the lone American among the (friendly)
locals—and I like it that way.

[Linking back to Ruby Tuesday
and Our World Tuesday.]

Monday, October 2, 2017

counting crows

Here and there you can find some pretty
decorative tiles in the subway
—if you keep your eyes peeled for them.

[Linking back to Macro Monday and to
Blue Monday at Magical Mystery Teacher.]

Sunday, October 1, 2017

in the corner

I showed you the exterior of this old church
on Friday.  Here's the interior—
so simple. I love it.

[Linking back to inSPIREd Sunday
and Shadow Shot Sunday