Wednesday, July 27, 2011

abc wednesday —B is for "bubble"

All the children crossing the Pont des Arts in Paris
were drawn like little magnets to these
huge bubbles.  I love the look of sheer
wonder on those kids in the background.

 [To see more of the letter B, go here.]


  1. This is a glorious photo, Alexa! And what a massive bubble ~ we'd enter that for a prize in the Royal Brisbane Show. {No, not really, but I'd love to see it.}

  2. Oh, to be a child again to enjoy these delightful moments of life with such abandon. Terrific photo!

  3. wow thats a BIG bubble. Lovely

    Pheno, ABC Wednesday Team

  4. I'm glad you pointed out those kids in the background gaping at that bubble, or I'd have missed them since I too was captivated it! How pretty and what fun! I think things like this easily bring out the child in all of us. :-)

  5. this bubble is wonderful - it looks almost like a face with a Jimmy Durante nose!

  6. massive bubble - very cool!

    ROG, ABC Wednesday team

  7. Kids of all ages (even old ones, like me) are always fascinated by bubbles. This is terrific!

  8. I´ve seen this kind of bubbles in London too.
    Lovely picture of the Pont des Arts
    Greetings from Argentina

  9. Oh I would love to see one of those huge bubbles in person.

    What a great capture you got with that one.

  10. Wonderful! It's magic! I've always loved bubbles.


Thanks, merci, grazie, danke, hvala, gracias, spasibo, shukran, dhanyavaad, salamat, arigato, and muito obrigado for your much-appreciated comments.