Sunday, July 31, 2016

inSPIREd Sunday

The picture was taken almost 30 years ago,
when Kodachrome was king.  This is
the monastery of the Taxiarchis, in Panormitis,
on the Greek island of Symi.  My family and I
spent a couple of idyllic days here as guests of the bishop,
who showed us the miraculous icon
of the archangel Michael that's housed here.
(This is also where we saw the Milky Way
for the very first time.  
Unforgettable in lots of ways.)

[To see more churches from around the world, go here.]


  1. Involuntary exclamation on first sight: “Oooh!” I love Mediterranean architecture, and I guess the south-eastern Aegean isn’t so far from the Mediterranean. I was surprised how close to Turkey and far from Athens Symi is.

    I saw something like that in Paris, but at night. I can hear the question: “What in Paris is?” To which my reply would be: Taxi arch is.” When buckling up I thought I had never seen such chocolate. What near coincidences.

    1. Thanks for providing my first laugh of the day, TG.

  2. Thought that was an old photo, wonder what the place looks like now

    1. From what I could tell from a quick internet search it looks pretty good. What do you think after clicking the link? If you are more interested in stopping by there is a Discover Greece site here.

    2. I'd be surprised if they let this place turn into a holiday camp for Brits—as has happened, I'm sorry to say—to the charming little Andalusian fishing village where I lived for a while in the early '70s. (It's just that it might as well be called Brighton-on-the-Mediterranean now—no Spain in sight.) After all, Panormitis is primarily a monastery/church—although lay people live here as well.

  3. Good news about Panormitis. (Less so about Andalostian “Brighton”).

    I was reading an old Smithsonian magazine and noticed that the boat of sponge divers that discovered the Antikythera Mechanism was from Symi. Arthur C. Clark , who was not always a stranger to hyperbole, said of the mechanism, “ could have sparked the Industrial Revolution more than a millennium ago. If the Greeks had been able to build on the technology,” Clark said, “By this time we would not merely be pottering around on the moon. We would have reached the nearer stars.”


Thanks, merci, grazie, danke, hvala, gracias, spasibo, shukran, dhanyavaad, salamat, arigato, and muito obrigado for your much-appreciated comments.