Thursday, March 17, 2016

Thursday Challenge—"empty"

Not much going on in the lily ponds

on a cold wet winter day.

(But this is what they'll look 
like in 5 or 6 months.)
Well worth the wait, I believe.

[To see more of the Thursday Photo 
Challenge, visit Dale's meme.]


  1. That bottom photo is like a James Bond movie, where we would not be surprised to see a Lotus among lilies in a lily pond.

    Seasons, cars: “To everything, turn, turn, turn.”

  2. Those are beautiful. I have never seen tall water lilies in real life; only in some paintings.

  3. Those are beautiful. I have never seen tall water lilies in real life; only in some paintings.

    1. Those “tall water lilies” are actually loti (lotuses). You can tell the difference by how the lotus leaves rise above the water and are curly edged. Water-lily leaves lie flat upon the water. You can see some lotuses by clicking here .They are in the front. It looks like water lilies in the back. More water lilies here. You can see some other lotuses at the back of the pond in Alexa’s bottom photo.

      Thus my poor attempt at a visual pun with the submersible Lotus Esprit S1 sports car in the James Bond movie The Spy Who Loved Me. That particular Lotus car being submersible it might not surprise us to see it underwater in a pond. Not likely, of course, but possible, in a way.

  4. Wonderful photo's.... i wonder if the ponds are truly emty ;-)

    1. The top photo is empty of flowering aquatic plants, anyway.

  5. Great shots!

  6. beautiful to see the difference between the two .

  7. Will be so beautiful, but there can still be beauty in the emptiness.


Thanks, merci, grazie, danke, hvala, gracias, spasibo, shukran, dhanyavaad, salamat, arigato, and muito obrigado for your much-appreciated comments.