Saturday, July 21, 2012

The Weekend in Black and White

For some reason, I used to think that
plants made poor subjects for shooting
in black and white. I've changed my mind.

[To see more monochromes, go here.]


  1. Bonjour Alexa, ça faisait longtemps ! Non pas que je passe par ton blog, j'y viens tous les jours, mais que je commente !
    Quelle superbe photo, je voyais les nénuphars en couleurs "Monet" mais en noir et blanc ils sont impressionnants.
    Il faut vraiment que je mette le BBG sur ma liste des "must see" quand je retournerai à NYC !!!

  2. This is a great composition and it is perfect for W-B&W!

  3. How interesting! The water looks like ink - a very unusual shot of this particular plant!

  4. I think it all depends on how the photo is taken. Mostly black and white works best with plenty of contrast. Pale grey often just looks dingy. I love the way you've composed this, the patterns made by the leaves, and the water droplets. Excellent photo.

  5. I think we see more detail when the photo is B&W.

  6. What a striking photo! Great in B&W.

  7. This is really beautiful! They really shie!

  8. You have mastered B&W plant photography. Wonderful.


Thanks, merci, grazie, danke, hvala, gracias, spasibo, shukran, dhanyavaad, salamat, arigato, and muito obrigado for your much-appreciated comments.