Thursday, January 29, 2009

practice, practice, practice!

That's the answer, and you know the question.
Wish I could tell you I had tix for Keith Jarrett
tonight, but no—just happened to be passing by
here last night.  The last show I saw here was
a couple of years ago: the 25th Anniversary
performance of "Alice's Restaurant."
Arlo Guthrie does it every year on the day after
Thanksgiving.  It was great; the audience was
half old hippies and half young kids (their
grandchildren perhaps—Arlo's were there).


  1. I don't go often to the theater, and I should. Always enjoy it when I do.

  2. so true Alexa! that is the way!
    Carnegie Hall is an amazing place to see a show. My son got to perform there in 2007 for a benefit concert with his violin group and yes he had to practice quite a bit!
    I would be interested in checking out that Arlo Guthrie show too!

  3. bibi -- you should go when you're here, for sure.

    lily -- I'm impressed that your son got to play here.
    Seeing and hearing Arlo is like entering a time machine. (btw, I once danced at the Carnegie Recital Hall, but I was 4 years old and my mom gets some credit—she MADE me practice!)


Thanks, merci, grazie, danke, hvala, gracias, spasibo, shukran, dhanyavaad, salamat, arigato, and muito obrigado for your much-appreciated comments.