Tuesday, January 6, 2009

my cousin the ghost

Went to visit Avenel yesterday.  It's an old plantation house
(built in 1838) that was in my family.  This picture was taken
the day of my cousin Peggy's funeral (held at Avenel when
she died about two weeks shy of her 103rd birthday).
She and her family had shared the house with a famous ghost
called the White Lady (who's been seen by lots of people).
So I guess it's fitting that when this picture was developed,
Peggy showed up in it.  Can you see her? 
(Seriously, it looks just like her.)


  1. Whoa, that is spooky! I've heard of things happening like this, so....

  2. I looked at the white smoky stuff but couldn't get it so I went away for a while. When I came back and looked again—JOLT! The White lady looked a lot like my own grandmother in her late 80s. Yes, it is spooky, but she looks kind of friendly and kind (like my late grandmother).

  3. Alexa, there is a definite face there...amazing actually. Perhaps a call to TAPS is in order. lol

  4. Actually, I'd call Rod Serling if he was still around—very Twilight Zone-y, isn't it? She also looks like my grandmother (but then she was my grandma's 1st cousin).


Thanks, merci, grazie, danke, hvala, gracias, spasibo, shukran, dhanyavaad, salamat, arigato, and muito obrigado for your much-appreciated comments.