Friday, January 30, 2009

it's a tough job, but . . .

. . . if you have an article with instructions
for making a balloon animal, then you need
to make sure the instructions work.  My
colleague, Lisa, did it pretty well; I managed
to break the balloon.  You should have seen us 
trying to figure out how to make an origami rowboat.


  1. What a cute terrier. Is that supposed to be an "air"dale?

    Honestly, the only way I think I could so much as blow up one of those balloons would be to use TNT.

  2. I used to do this as a kid...was much better then!

  3. P.S. Also love how you're doing this on office time...just like I'm reading my blog and blogging here, too.... :<)

  4. TG -- very funny. Actually, it's a spitz

    bibi -- lest anyone get the idea I'm not an exemplary employee, though I obviously took the picture at work the rest was done at home!

  5. Alexa, that is a riot! Well, reassuring to know that the instructions will be correct! Good to hear from you, sounds like you are doing well -- mazel tov.


Thanks, merci, grazie, danke, hvala, gracias, spasibo, shukran, dhanyavaad, salamat, arigato, and muito obrigado for your much-appreciated comments.