Tuesday, October 12, 2010

That's My World Tuesday

This is Rockefeller Park, just some of the green space
to be found at the southwestern tip of Manhattan.  It's
part of Battery Park City, built on 1.2 million cubic yards
of landfill, mostly rock and dirt excavated during the
construction of the Trade Towers.  The parks down here are
all public, but I have some lucky friends who live in that red
building back there and get to do yoga on the roof deck every 
day.  On Friday I'll show you what I saw when I turned around.

[See more of the world here.]


  1. That man(woman) may hear peaceful sound when he(she) do Yoga...

  2. I guess I could {in theory} climb out onto my tin roof and do yoga there, though the view is definitely not what I'm imagining I'll see on Friday...

  3. Nice place. I envy people who have rooftop access in NYC!

  4. This looks like a green space enjoyed by many -- looking forward to Friday. I have not been on many NY rooftops.

  5. This looks so peaceful. Not at all what I imagine when I think about NYC. I can't wait to see what you saw when you turned around. Thanks for sharing your world.

  6. wow! yoga on the roof deck? that sounds sweet!
    Oh, and I can not wait to see your sky this Friday.
    : )

  7. Rush time for me but can't wait till Friday !


Thanks, merci, grazie, danke, hvala, gracias, spasibo, shukran, dhanyavaad, salamat, arigato, and muito obrigado for your much-appreciated comments.