Tuesday, October 26, 2010

New York at Night (8)

This is one of the world's classic views—lower Manhattan seen
from the Brooklyn Promenade.  There are people who live on the
Promenade and enjoy this sight day and night—can you imagine?

[This post is part of That's My World. See more of the world here.]


  1. Yeah...how lucky:)
    this picture makes me think instantly and automatically...'Miramax'!!!!
    Guess I am watching too many movies!!!

  2. And, of course, what are those people living on the Promenade (the view from so thrillingly captured by that Alexa camera) listening to right now? : (in my mind’s ear).

  3. Yes, and I'll bet the never get tired of it. Excellent photo.

  4. I can't imagine ever tiring of such a view. This is stunning, Alexa!

  5. Aucune chance de se lasser d'une telle vue !! Merci.

  6. What a gorgeous night shot! I would love looking at this view!

  7. Beautiful photo. I enjoy looking at your city. However, I am glad to only visit, I would not like to live in so much confusion. Thanks for sharing this wonderful photo.

  8. Good to see you, TG (aka Prez Linkin')!
    I agree with the consensus here—no way you'd ever get bored with this view.


Thanks, merci, grazie, danke, hvala, gracias, spasibo, shukran, dhanyavaad, salamat, arigato, and muito obrigado for your much-appreciated comments.