Saturday, October 14, 2017

The Weekend in Black and White

This tattoo parlor is in Amsterdam.  So,
knowing that, is there anything
about it that strikes you as unusual?

[To see more b/w images, visit
Dragonstar's meme.]


  1. I’m not sure how unusual it would be for Amsterdam but everything written that is visible in the window (that is legible) is English. I am sure there are native Dutch people who are more fluent and with better vocabulary and grammar than many Americans these days. A certain strange cat in Washington D.C. comes to mind (although I really wish he didn’t).

    1. Spot on, TG. And most Amsterdammers speak much better English than the American we wish we didn't have to think (worry) about.

  2. an American it looked normal to me! Duh!!! I can't believe I didn't catch that! Fun shot! And I apologize for crazy American tourists! (when we travel we try to leave our craziness in America!)

  3. Ooops! I just saw that you're an American too!!!

    1. And I try to leave my craziness at home too!


Thanks, merci, grazie, danke, hvala, gracias, spasibo, shukran, dhanyavaad, salamat, arigato, and muito obrigado for your much-appreciated comments.