Saturday, September 30, 2017

The Weekend in Black and White

Through this elegant courtyard, on
the other side of this even
more elegant gate, is the Blvd. de Clichy,
not the most elegant street in Paris.
Pigalle (this neighborhood) is not nearly as
sketchy as it was once though.

[To see more b/w pics, visit Dragonstar's meme.]


  1. This must be one of (if not the) most beautiful photos taken in Pigalle. With the exception, maybe, of something taken within (or is it under?) that red windmill down the street 3 minutes by foot to the right.

    Noticing the shop sign across the street I was thinking how quickly people reach a sell-by date in that industry (so much sooner than my rapidly approaching one, in general). And then I saw this BBC video of a photographer known for his sixties work. Quite uplifting. No sell-by date concerning him.

    1. Thanks, TG! I think I met this guy back in the day.

    2. I was thinking that you might have. But certainly could have.

  2. This beautiful image is so elegant in black and white - it could have been taken in the 16e or 7e!

  3. Gorgeous light and contrast! I like this so much.

  4. Lovely shot! The gate is a promise of interesting things on the other side...


Thanks, merci, grazie, danke, hvala, gracias, spasibo, shukran, dhanyavaad, salamat, arigato, and muito obrigado for your much-appreciated comments.