Wednesday, June 3, 2015

ABC Wednesday—U is for "up the stairs"

Must admit I chose a less direct route
from (down) here to (up) there.  
It took a bit longer, but the slope was
gentler—and even more scenic.

[To see more ABC posts, go here.]


  1. Just a wild guess but I might assume that to be someplace in Montmartre.

    Your ascension made me think about how Japanese temples often have an onna zaka “...女坂 (onna zaka) which literally means the woman’s slope. Traditionally, Japanese temples had a men’s path and a women’s path, the second a supposedly gentler, easier walk.” As in Paris, and in this case, the Alexa Slope, the Japanese temple onna zaka is more circuitous.

    [An example here from the top of Yushima Tenjin at Google Maps. Left is the gentler slope. Right is more precipitous. Or from the bottom(s) here (just a photo).]

    1. Thanks, TG. Next time I take the route that lets me avoid climbing these steps, I'll have a name for it—and in Japanese, no less. :~}

    2. Maybe Japanese isn’t the most appropriate language for a toponym in Paris other than in the most general terms. I think we could, however, completely justify referring to your slope henceforth as La Pente Alexa.

  2. This is as close as I could get via Rue du Mont Cenis on Google Maps Street View. The view from “up the stairs” is nice, especially with the Montmartre Water Tower off to the right here..

  3. Your choice of B&W is the right one for this photo. Wonderful!

  4. That is a looong set of stairs. Perfect for your photo, but not so good if you are walking.

  5. So classy & classic in black and white. I love it.

  6. Your choice is perfect.

  7. I am already tired when I look at these steps !

    ABC Team

  8. A good one to work into ones fitness regime! I love the placing of the lamps.

  9. My knee hurts just looking at all those stairs. Great shot!

  10. It's a beautiful view, ma chère !! x0


Thanks, merci, grazie, danke, hvala, gracias, spasibo, shukran, dhanyavaad, salamat, arigato, and muito obrigado for your much-appreciated comments.